Study of phosphorus uptake efficiency and some of the growth and physiological characteristics of peach in the conditions of different sources and methods of phosphorus fertilizer use. "Prunus persica var. Platycarpa"

Document Type : Original Article


1 Horticulture of science, agriculture, shahed university, Tehran, Iran

2 horticulture of science, agriculture, shahed university, Tehran,Iran

3 horticulture of science, agriculture, shahed university, Tehran, Iran


The efficiency of phosphorus uptake in agricultural crops especially, in fruit trees, which are perennial plants and have deep roots, is one of the major problems in nutrition programs. The efficiency of phosphorus uptake in agricultural crops especially, in fruit trees, which are perennial plants and have deep roots, is one of the major problems in nutrition programs. One of the methods to increase phosphorus absorption is to place it in the root zone
the experiment was factorial based on randomized complete block design with two factors and three replications. Factors were included as various methods and sources of phosphorus fertilizers. Methods Factor were included foliar application, irrigation fertilizer (soil surface), and pumice bag. Sources Factor including ammonium phosphate, triple super-phosphate, and water. Plant samples were taken at the end of the harvesting season and the concentration of phosphorus and total absorption were evaluated.
The results were showed that the consumption method had a significant effect on the concentration of phosphorus in leaves and stems. Phosphorus sources also significantly altered the concentration of phosphorus in the leaves (P ≥. 0/01). The comparison of the means was showed that the maximum phosphorus concentration was observed in pumice bag treatment, which was increased 25 %in compared with surface irrigation .However, it was resulted that the use of phosphorus in a pumice bag could be effective method in phosphorus uptake and efficiency.


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