Study of Manure and Micronutrients Effects on Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Cantaloupe (Cucumis Melo Var. Semsouri) in a Calcareous soil

Document Type : Original Article


1 Greenhouse Cultivation Research Department, Tehran Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Varamin, Iran.

2 Soil and Water Rearch Department, Esfahan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Esfahan, Iran.

3 Horticultural and Agronomy Research Department , Esfahan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Esfahan, Iran.


Introduction: Melons (Cucumis Melo) are important vegetables that have high nutritional value (Arabsalmani, 2007). Semsouri cantaloupe (Cucumis Melo Var. Semsouri) is also one of the cantaloupe varieties. Iron, zinc and boron are essential, which are classified as Micronutrients (Marchner, 1995). Among the micronutrients, boron and zinc deficiency mostly limit the growth and yield of crops and orchards (Araujo et al., 2013) and deficiency of these two elements, compared to other trace elements, is more common (Rashid, 2006). Boron is directly involved in ribonucleic acid metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism, and pectin substances (Wimer and Eichert, 2013). Zinc is also involved in the production of a variety of proteins, including carbonic anhydrase and superoxide dismutase. Iron plays a key role in chlorophyll structure and photosynthesis, the activity of superoxide dismutase, and the enzymes of the airway and glycol ate (Marschner, 1995). This study was conducted with the aim of field evaluation of manure application and foliar application of trace elements on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of cantaloupe (Cucumis Melo Var. Semsouri).
Material and methods: In order to study the effects of manure application and some microelements(iron, zinc and boron) on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of cantaloupe, a two-year research study were carried with a randomized complete blocks design as factorial. Manure factor was considered at two levels (0 and 40 tons per hectare). Micronutrients factor considers in eight levels including control without using micronutrients, iron foliar application, zinc foliar application, boron foliar application, iron and zinc foliar application, iron and Boron foliar application, boron and zinc foliar application and foliar application of iron, zinc and boron.
 At harvest time, fruit yield, average fruit weight, number of fruits per plant, fruit flesh thickness were measured and recorded. The percentage of total soluble solids in fruit was also measured and recorded with a hand refract meter. Data were analyzed using MSTATC statistical software and graphs were drawn using Excel software.
Results and discussion: Application of manure and trace elements increased yield, yield components and TSS (Total soluble solids). The highest cantaloupe yield(43.9 tons per hectare) and the highest average number of fruits per cantaloupe plant (4.45) were obtained from the application of 40 tons per hectare of manure and foliar application of iron, zinc and boron that increased 36 and 41% compared to the control treatment, respectively. Also, the percentage of TSS increased with the application of manure and foliar application of microelements, especially boron. The highest TSS (sugar) of cantaloupe was obtained at 9% from the application of 40 tons per hectare of manure and foliar application of iron, zinc and boron, which was 49% more than the control treatment. Data indicated that there was a significant correlation between the percentage of soluble solids in fruit and the concentration of cantaloupe leaf boron that the equation of this regression model followed the linear model.
Conclusions: The results of this research showed that the consumption of animal manure and low consumption of organic matter causes a significant increase in the yield and sugar percentage of cantaloupe. Therefore, in soils with conditions similar to this study, the use of manure and low consumption elements in cantaloupe cultivation is recommended.


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