Effect of using Piriformospora indica and cadmium on some morphophysiological traits and concentration of nutrients of tomato in aeroponic system

Document Type : Original Article


1 M.Sc. Student, Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Faculty of Agriculture, Malayer University, Hamadan, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Faculty of Agriculture, Malayer University, Hamadan, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Faculty of Agriculture, Malayer University, Zanjan, Iran.

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Faculty of Agriculture, Zanjan University, Zanjan, Iran.


Introduction: Heavy metal stress is one of the most important limiting factors for plant growth and yield in many parts of the world. Cadmium is a heavy metal of special importance (Alloway, 1990). The differences in plant response and toxicity are due to the differences in the cadmium content of the rhizosphere, continuity of treatments, and, especially, plant types and cultivars (Hassan et al., 2006). Application of biological methods is effective in increasing plant resistance to environmental stress; one such method is to use the potential of beneficial soil organisms such as mycorrhizal fungi.Endophytic mycorrhizal fungi include the endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica. Due to the importance of symbiotic relationship between the fungus P. indicaand various plants for growth stimulation and, as a result, yield enhancement and also for increasing plant tolerance to different stresses, researchers have been studying the potentials of this fungus for achieving the objectives of sustainable agriculture (Qiang et al., 2011). An appropriate cultivation system for studying the effects of Piriformospora indica on plants under cadmium stress is the aeroponic system. The aeroponic method is a special hydroponic system in which plant roots are placed in a closed container and nutrient solution is sprayed on them at intervals by a pump and a timer(Hayden et al., 2004). Because of the advantages of the aeroponic system for investigating the effects of heavy metals on plants, and especially vegetables, it was used in this study to examine the effects of the fungus Piriformospora indicaon some morphophysiological traits of the tomato plant under cadmium stress.
Material and methods: This experiment was conducted in completely randomized design with three replications. The treatments were the control, 3 mgL-1 concentration of cadmium nitrate with inoculated plants,3 mgL-1 concentration of cadmium nitrate with un-inoculated plants, 6 mgl-1 concentration of cadmium nitrate with inoculated plants, 6 mgL-1 concentration of cadmium nitrate with un-inoculated plants. Then, the morphological traits such as wet and dry weights of aerial organs, wet and dry weights of roots, plant height, root height, and the number of leaves were measured for the plants. In addition, the physiological traits such as photosynthetic pigments, ion leakage, phenolic compounds, proteins, carbohydrates, peroxide lipids and the absorption of the elements phosphorous, zinc, iron, manganese, and cadmium were also assessed.
Results and discussion: The results of variance analysis showed that there is a significant difference at the 5-percent level between different treatments for the traits wet and dry weights of aerial organs, wet and dry weights of roots, plant height, root height, number of leaves,photosynthetic pigments, ion leakage, phenolic compounds, proteins, carbohydrates, peroxide lipids and the absorption of the elements phosphorous, zinc, iron, manganese, and cadmium.
Conclusions: The results of the investigation were indicative of negative effects of cadmium on most of the traits studied. Using the fungus P. indicawas relatively effective in the reduction of the negative effects of cadmium toxicity. Furthermore, the results showed that the aeroponic system can be well used to study the effects of heavy metals, especially on roots, because all the stages of root growth and the direct effects of heavy metals on them can be easily monitored in a controlled environment.


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